Standard 3
Utilizes appropriate classroom organization and management techniques to ensure a safe and orderly environment conductive to learning. 

"Students are engaged at all times and are held accountable for their learning," -Rose Ferrante, college supervisor.

Click below to see my full classroom management plan:

Management Plan

At the beginning of student teaching, this statement was made from my cooperating teacher:

"Lindsay is showing growth in this area (of classroom management) with each passing week.  She has created and implemented her own behavior management plan," -Sharon Panicker.  

The plan that I implemented with my student teaching was a reward system.  I had a treasure/prize box for the class and each day they had the opportunity to earn money (which was just play money.)  At the end of the week, on Fridays, they could cash in what they earned to purchase something out of the box.  The children really enjoyed this and I saw positive changes in their behaviors and attitudes.  I learned though, however, this did not help to create a "community" which is what I strive for now.  The children acted more so as individuals, and my goal is to create a family where we all work together.  I plan to include the treasure box, but I will add more to the community approach as well.  I plan on having a marble jar, where if all students work together well for the day, the class will earn a marble.  When the class has earned 15 marbles, for example, we will have a pizza party.